The Legacy of Chiara Lubich for Social Sciences

It was the faculty of Sociology at the University of Trent that provided the site, last December 16-17, 2011, for the anticipated inauguration of the Area of Social Sciences and Communications at the IUS, at the heart of a two-day convention sponsored by the “Per Sophia” Foundation with the help of the Autonomous Province of Trent.

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The “new” awaiting us

What best wish can I make for 2012? The challenges that await us are neither few nor small. We need to re-launch, indeed, to be reborn to new life – as Christmas reminded us. And rebirth – we know, but seldom draw the conclusions – is a matter of the heart, but also of the mind, and therefore also of action.

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The Interaction Between Media, Political Systems and Society

A deeper exploration of a series of websites under the magnifying glass of political communication: this was the conducting thread of the research Seminar for second year students of the IUS who are in the political science track, ending this past January.
The work asked of the students consisted in the analysis of a website, chosen amongst the many that could interest surfers, in which the exchange and content of public interest, between media, political systems and voting citizens,  stands out in a particular way.

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The Theoretical Points of Philosophy

January 20, 2012: The first seminar for the professors of philosophy courses at the IUS. “Philosophy and History of Philosophy: discerning the theoretical points  – 1. Greek Philosophy,” was the title of this Study Day. Present, along with President Piero Coda, was Mauro Mantovani, dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome, as well as the professors of all philosophy courses at the IUS and the doctoral students in the philosophy and politics track.

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A Personal Revolution

A Personal Revolution

Sami Creta, Egypt


A sculptor and scholar of fine arts, he is in his first year of the MA program on Foundations and Perspectives for a Culture of Unity. Sami, 25 years, took part in the “Arab Spring”: just a short while before coming to Italy to study, in January 2011, he went down to the square together with thousands of young people who protested in Alexandria.

" Today, what is opening up in front of me is the fundamental choice of love. A love that is social, that has to be courageous and solid in the public square, to resist even when others do not listen or reject it...”

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Social Sciences Forum

January 2012: one after the other, two interesting moments of sociological reflection took place at the IUS, with two Brazilian sociologists as speakers: Marcos Mucheroni (Universidade de São Paulo/USP) and Lucas Galindo (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco/UFPE).

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The Horizon of the Pluralistic City

When the question of modern pluralism tests the thinking of scholars who go to the root of thinking, such as the philosopher Massimo Cacciari and the theologian Piero Coda – president of the Sophia University – the outcome is never conventional. “The Pluralistic City: the Challenges for a New Humanism”...

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Beauty Versus Beauties

Hosted by the University of Padua, in the prestigious Sala delle Edicole, and by the city administration of Padua in the main hall of its Cultural Center, the second meeting of the project “Between Creativity and Interpretation,” was held from 3 - 5 February 2012.  It was an exploration of the network of relations generated by an artistic work, entitled “To Create Beauty/ies.”

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Dialogue with Sérge Latouche

Sérge Latouche, a French economist, leader of the so-called “economy of decreased growth,” Stefano Bartolini, economic professor at the University of Siena, and Luigino Bruni, professor at the IUS and the University of Bicocca of Milan, met at the Lionello Bonfanti Industrial Park in Incisa Val d'Arno last 21 February, in order to give life to a whole different way of thinking that kept almost 300 people nailed to their chairs for more than two hours, all the way to the end.

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From the Chiang Mai University to the IUS

From the Chiang Mai University to the IUS

Preeyanoot Surinkaew, Thailand


Till now she is the only Buddhist student at the IUS. Metta – as she introduces herself to Westerners, a religious term that means “compassion” – after having studied Buddhism, at the IUS has chosen the Political Studies track.

“I felt the need to open up my horizons... I decided to study Politics and I came to the Sophia University."

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Economy and Communion vis-avis with the Crisis

To revisit the thought of the main scholars of the civil economy tradition, in relation to the new challenges that the modern world is presenting to the economy: this is the program for the course on “Institutions of Civil Economy and of Communion,” taught by Prof. Luigino Bruni, which begins on 21 February, 2012, and that constutites one of the points of excellence of the academic programs offered by the IUS.

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Trinitarian Onthology. Disciplines in Dialogue

Also this year, the IUS is bringing together permanent teaching staff, visiting professors and other lecturers in different research fields, Doctoral and Master’s level students, at the interdisciplinary Seminar of the Institute, shaping up to be one of the central moments in the academic year.

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Lessons on Cosmology at the IUS

The students consider it one of the most interesting courses at the IUS. It offers the possibility of approaching in an interdisciplinary manner the big question of the meaning of relationships that connect us to the cosmos, according to the three different disciplinary perspectives: scientific cosmology, philosophy of nature and theology of creation.

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Academic Trip to Verona, Trent and Primiero

From Incisa to Trent, passing through Verona and going all the way to Fiera di Primiero: this was the itinerary of the trip that the group from the Sophia University Institute took on 2 – 4 April, in a certain sense, an anticipation of the Easter celebration. They were three days lived in the peculiar style of Sophia, where research and cultural inquiry are in close relationship with the daily experience shared within the academic community.

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The Library of the IUS is the Object of a Thesis

Wednesday 18 April 2012, was the discussion of the master's thesis in Archival and Library Arts by Dr. Laura Signore, assitant librarian at the Library of the Sophia University Institute. It was a research project that was awarded the highest grade: all our congratulations, therefore, to the new graduate!

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The IUS at Cagliari, Italy

The IUS at Cagliari, Italy

On occasion of the naming of a city street after Chiara Lubich in Sardegna’s capital last 20 April, a conference was held in the ancient City Hall of Cagliari entitled “Chiara Lubich: Spirituality, Culture and Dialogue.” The speakers – the theologian Piero Coda, president of the Sophia University Institute, the economist Luigino Bruni, the Muslim theologian Sharahzad Houshmand...

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Interdisciplinarity and Dialogue in Psychology

Interdisciplinarity and Dialogue in Psychology

Rodrigo Hésed, a Brazilian psychologist and psychotherapist, attended the Master’s program at the IUS during the 2008-2010 academic years. Today he is practicing in Fortaleza, the capital of the State of Cearà, which has two and a half million inhabitants. His days are divided up between work at the private practice that he opened, and his collaborative work with the Department for Human Rights in the State Administration.

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The new web site of the IUS goes online

The new web site of the IUS goes online

Easier to navigate and more accessible, greater space dedicated to the innovation of the formation program, to the voice of the students and to the collaboration with Città Nuova publishing house. Fully integrated with social networks.

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Cardinal Ryłko visits Loppiano

Cardinal Ryłko visits Loppiano

“Let us thank God for the Charisms, the great gifts that He continues to give to the Church”: with these words Cardinal Stanisław Ryłko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, greeted the large crowd of citizens from the little town of the Focolare Movement, who welcomed him and all his international staff to Loppiano.

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Carlo Fumagalli (1933 - 2012)

Carlo Fumagalli (1933 - 2012)

This is how Carlo Fumagalli continues to live in the hearts of each of us at the Sophia University Institute in Loppiano. In fact, he followed its preparation and first steps with passion and competence, supporting and directing us in the initial fundamental choices and decisions regarding the functional set up of the Institute’s campus in its various aspects: from the library to the classrooms, faculty offices and the student housing.

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Sophia at the 3rd Annual Event of LoppianoLab

Sophia at the 3rd Annual Event of LoppianoLab

“Italy-Europe. One Workshop for Youth, Work and Innovation”

September 20-23, 2012


Also this year the IUS is one of the four sponsors of LoppianoLab and will give a direct contribution in the program, organizing some moments in order to present the academic project, and hosting at the Institute some initiatives promoted by the partners.


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The new virtues of the market

The new virtues of the market

New book by Bruni launched in Milan. “There are people today who dream a more just and helpful world, finally freed from the markets, money and banks: I am not among these, because in loving justice and solidarity, I have learned that a good society is not built without market and economic and financial sector, but only with good markets, a good economy and a healthy financial sector.”  (from the introduction)

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New books in the library for spring 2012

New books in the library for spring 2012

A new pair of books and a one reprint: contemporary reflections by the IUS' professors.  

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Hope, despite of everything

Hope, despite of everything

Cardinal Bagnasco quoted the President of IUS


Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco’s recall to hope was striking in the prolusion to the 64th general Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, last May 21st. 

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12 May 2012 - “Together for Europe”

12 May 2012 - “Together for Europe”

The students of the IUS were also in Brussels

As in the Days of 2004 and 2007 in Stuttgart, also on this occasion there was live streaming connecting many to this international event, held at the Square Meeting Centre of the Belgium capital.

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Ethics for our Professional Lives

Ethics for our Professional Lives

Moral choices between competency and coherence

How can one connect the interdisciplinary and intercultural studies offered by Sophia with the experience of work and the concrete daily choices that each one will have to make?  

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Marie Thérèse Henderson

Marie Thérèse Henderson

“Il velo sottile. Il mistero della musica”
(The Subtle Veil. The Mystery of Music)

May 24, 2012 San Prisco (Caserta) saw the first presentation of the book by  Marie Thérèse Henderson, “Il velo sottile. Il mistero della musica.”

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Michele Zanzucchi

Michele Zanzucchi

Il silenzio e la parola. La luce
(Silence and the Word. The Light)

We live in an era dominated by communications. It is a noise that often looses sight of the human person at the heart of the communicative process. This is the conducting thread of Zanzucchi’s research.

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Gerard Pross visits the IUS

Gerard Pross visits the IUS

After “Together for Europe 2012”

Last 22 May the students and staff of the  IUS were able to catch a bit of the atmosphere of “Together for  Europe.” Some leaders from the YMCA (in Germany) visited the Institute.

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Studies and Life: Fraternity in the Conflict

Studies and Life: Fraternity in the Conflict

Samar Bandak, Jordan


"I came to study in Loppiano, at the Sophia University; Here I am living a new experience, a strong one. I chose the political studies track and I have begun to enter into a new panorama: I have discovered, for example, that the principle of fraternity is universal and can be a real and true category for politics, alongside that of freedom and equality. I have understood that fraternity is a choice, a response that can heal injustice."

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Meeting with Paolo Sacchi

Meeting with Paolo Sacchi

"My journey between the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, Apocalypse and the Gospels": more than 300 people attended Professor Paolo Sacchi's lecture on the 1st of June as he retraced long stretches of his personal life and involved the participants in the stages of his high profile career

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The Dialogue of the Third Millennium

The Dialogue of the Third Millennium

Visit by the participants of the Fourth Buddhist-Christian Symposium

“We have a lot in common; I am drawn by this word: Sophia – Wisdom. I am working to bring the idea of your university to my country and I hope that more Buddhist youth can be welcomed here”  - so expressed Rev. Bonsue, vice-president of the Chiang Mai University in Thailand.

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«The Nothingness-and-All of Love»

«The Nothingness-and-All of Love»

The human being has always intuited, confusingly but with infallible foresight, that: one needs to die in order not to die (moriar, ne moriar, wrote Saint Augustine), that is, in order “to see” the face of God and, in the light shining forth from it, the face of all that is. But what is it, or better, where does it lead to, what does it open up? Better yet, who is this “non” being?

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An Interesting Job Proposal

An Interesting Job Proposal

Elisabeth Simoen – Belgium


“I received my IUS Degree in September 2010.  I had just returned to Belgium when I was offered a very interesting job.  I know I passed the review and that I was given this position because of this degree and I am very happy since this type of work corresponds to my ideals.


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A More Complete Cultural Experience

A More Complete Cultural Experience

Vito Trofa, Italy


26 years old, enrolled in the first year of the IUS, Vito was born in Ischia, natural jewel of the "Bel Paese".  After his specialty degree in Management Engineering at the University of Naples, how did he arrive at Sophia?

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Gain professionalism by gambling in life

Gain professionalism by gambling in life

Thiago Borges, Brasil


"At IUS I experience that a lofty goal of social change can and must be accompanied by a thorough preparation: we need professional formation, a multidimensional knowledge, in order to be able to manage the network of interdependence that characterizes our time."

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Genfest 2012: IUS students will also be at Budapest

Genfest 2012: IUS students will also be at Budapest

“Let’s bridge”

From August 30 to September 2, more than 12 thousand young people will be in Budapest for the 2012 Genfest,  a global laboratory that casts bridges of solidarity, peace and dialogue between generations, faiths, and people from different nations.

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2013 Seminar on the Principle of Fraternity

2013 Seminar on the Principle of Fraternity


“Fraternity as relational, juridical and political principle"
I.U. Sophia, March 11-12-13, 2013

An occasion for meeting and going in-depth on the theme of fraternity, as principle of thought and action in the public sphere, promoted by an international pool of academic institutions.


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"To Seek and Think in Reciprocity"

"To Seek and Think in Reciprocity"

The Program on Trinitarian Ontology at the IUS


At the conclusion of the fourth academic year, Piero Coda, president of the Institute and coordinator of the Theology and Philosophy Department, synthesized the central elements of the course of study on Trinitarian Ontology.


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Chile: First EoC School

Chile: First EoC School

"Fundamentos de la Economía de Comunión. La persona al centro"


July 8, 2012: the first school of the Economy of Communion held in the Andean Country and organized by ‘Silva Henriques University; and ‘Santissima Conception’ University in collaboration with Sophia University Institute, has concluded.


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On “Sociology” a Reflection on Agape-Actions

On “Sociology” a Reflection on Agape-Actions

The trace of a path


A topic that is raising interest within the Italian sociology community.  Proof of it is the publication of a monographic article on "Sociology", a historical sciences magazine (3/2011), in which are gathered authoritative contributions which show heuristic use of the ‘agape’ concept in social sciences.

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A System of Relationships for Politics

A System of Relationships for Politics

Interpreting complexity, deciding, intervening


Starting September 2012, Sophia’s academic programs will have three new specializations. Antonio Maria Baggio, department coordinator and professor of political philosophy, describes the characterizing elements of political studies.

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Annual Calendar 2012/2013

Annual Calendar 2012/2013

Beginning of Academic Activities


The new annual calendar is finally available (here), with updated graphics, an indispensable and complete informational base from which one can attain a full presentation of the IUS, as well as a description of academic courses, with referrals to the Master and Doctorate programs.

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“Sophia” at 500 Subscriptions

“Sophia” at 500 Subscriptions

At LoppianoLab the IUS Review


Among the appointments of LoppianoLab 2012, each of the realities composing the Editorial Group of Città Nuova has offered participants a ‘workshop’ moment.  We found there the "Sophia" Review too, scientific expression of the academic project of the IUS.

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An EoC internship in the United States

An EoC internship in the United States

Samuel Lopes da Rocha, Brazil


Samuel, from North-East Brazil, is a graduate in Law, currently pursuing a specialization in Economy and Management at Sophia. Last August he was an intern at Mundell & Associates Company at their headquarters in Indiana, U.S.A., a business-member of the international circuit adhering to the Economy of Communion project (EoC) .

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Also the IUS at Nairobi for the EoC

Also the IUS at Nairobi for the EoC

Sustaining a Virtuous Circle for Development


The intensive course on Economy of Communion - second edition - held at the Catholic University of Oriental Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi, Kenya, has been entrusted this year to Simona Di Ciaccio and Vittorio Pelligra, professors of the Economics Department at the IUS.

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Carlo Maria Martini as remembered by Piero Coda

Carlo Maria Martini as remembered by Piero Coda

"A man of God for our times"


"My last meeting with Cardinal Martini happened last year at Gallarate… It was very brief, but of an extraordinary intensity for me.  His eyes were clear, his words almost imperceptible but warm and luminous. We spoke also of Chiara Lubich and of Sophia University Institute.”

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“Myth and Fraternity” at LoppianoLab 2012

“Myth and Fraternity” at LoppianoLab 2012

Music and Poetry as Guests of Honour


With the collaboration of the IUS, LoppianoLab 2012 hosted a cultural moment of great interest entitled: ‘Myth and Fraternity. Guest of Honour: poetry.’  The idea came from the last publication edited by Antonio M.Baggio: Cain and his Brothers. Relational Foundation in Politics and Law (Città Nuova).

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On the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council

On the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council

The Year of faith and the Call to Renewal


Fabio Dipalma, assistant to Systematic Theology at the IUS, proposes a reflection, commenting on the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the beginning of the Year of Faith.

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Leadership Ethics

Leadership Ethics

A Practical Knowledge and a method of participation


A knowledge which combines topics and learning processes while, at the same time, working on contents and experiences made while learning. This is the offer made by a course in Ethical Leadership, proposed by the specialization in Political Studies, taking place at this moment at the IUS.

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A Tiny New Candle, Happy Birthday Sophia! 1/2

A Tiny New Candle, Happy Birthday Sophia! 1/2

First part


October 18, inauguration of academic year 2012-2013 at the IUS. News of the event – subdivided into two parts – in the words of Andrea Cardinali, student specializing in Trinitarian Ontology.

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A Tiny New Candle, Happy Birthday Sophia! 2/2

A Tiny New Candle, Happy Birthday Sophia! 2/2

Second part


At the heart of the V academic year’s  inauguration, the speach by President Piero Coda and the inaugural lecture by Pasquale Ferrara (photo) entitled: “’Costituent Peace’. For an Integral Reading of International Relations.

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Sophia "Workshop"

Sophia "Workshop"

Cherrylanne Menezes, India


She arrived two months ago from Mumbai, the most populous city on the Indian sub-continent, to pursue the program on Trinitarian Ontology at Sophia.  With a degree in Business and Commerce, she has to her credit some years of professional practical experience in administration and management.  Her first days at the IUS.

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Callebaut at the University of Lovanio

Callebaut at the University of Lovanio

An occasion for comparisons on the Cultural Strength of Charisms


Last October 22-23, religion sociologist Callebaut was guest of honor at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Leuvin (Belgium), invited to present the contributions of spiritualities in Europe’s history, intended as journeys of life and thought proposed by charismatic experiences.

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PhD Day /3: Seminar for Doctoral Degree Students

PhD Day /3: Seminar for Doctoral Degree Students


Interdisciplinarity for Purpose of Research


Third appointment reserved for doctorate students at the IUS, a month after the dissertation of the first doctoral thesis, happily concluded by Paolo Frizzi; an opportunity for further dialogue and enrichment of the various paths of research in the interdisciplinary framework of Sophia.

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Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

From Psalm 126


"Although they go forth weeping, carrying the seed to be sown, they shall come back rejoicing, carrying their sheaves."  ... To sow in the certainty of a real harvest, even amidst a thousand difficulties, this is the best hope.

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Economy and Charisms: new roads

Economy and Charisms: new roads


During the month of November, between Rome and Loppiano, the course in: Economic Culture and Administration of Works Generated by a Charism’, took place, promoted by the IUS.  An experimental proposal in answer to a specific demand for formation.

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Globalization and Christian Humanism

Globalization and Christian Humanism

To Inaugurate a New Season of Dialogue


The press Agency SIR interviewed Provost Piero Coda at the conclusion of the XI Forum of the Cultural Project, held in Rome from November 30 to last December 1st.  We bring you a few excerpts of the interview taken from the Agency’s site, edited by M. Michela Nicolais.

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No longer a spectator but an actor

No longer a spectator but an actor


Melchior Nsavyimana, from Burundi, is specializing in Political Studies and is enrolled in the first year. "After getting a degree in geography, I started to work in the humanitarian support sector and at the same time I also participated in political life..."

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IUS Greetings for 2013

IUS Greetings for 2013


In these past few months, a student at Sophia, with his heart and mind on his country, thinking about the sad conditions of injustice and poverty traversing it, said: “Some things can be seen only with eyes that have cried.” ...

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Brendan Leahy nominated Bishop in Ireland

Brendan Leahy nominated Bishop in Ireland


The Pope has nominated Brendan Leahy as Bishop of Limerick, Ireland. A Professor of Ecclesiology at the IUS, esteemed by both professors and students, who were able to appreciate his sure competence in ecclesiology.  This news therefore, has been welcomed by all with great joy!

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A Path through Politics and Theology

A Path through Politics and Theology

Gabriel de Almeida, Brazil


Rio de Janeiro, his birth place, is an active, dynamic metropolis in Brazil: it will be the site of the next World Youth Day and the 2014 World Soccer Cup.  And from great Rio, Gabriel has brought to Sophia the vivacity and the impetus towards the future of this carioca population.

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Piero Coda’s Trip to Germany

Piero Coda’s Trip to Germany

“Thoughts from the Charism of Unity’

From January 25 to 27, 2013, near the ecumenical Citadel of Ottmaring, Germany, a study convention was held  to reflect on the cultural incidence  of the charism of unity in relation to situations in many ways crucial in Germany.

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Two bursaries for students financed by the EoC

Two bursaries for students financed by the EoC

After 21 years what has been the impact on indigence?


Research done by Jena Debbaneh from Siria, and Cristina Viano from Italy, winners of two bursaries for students put forward by the International Association for the Economy of Communion (AIEC), will be evaluating the impact on indigence attributable to EoC initiatives.

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To get to know the IUS: Open Day 2013

To get to know the IUS: Open Day 2013

…but there are also newsletters and a Social Network


Open Day 2013 is coming up next February 22, a good occasion for discovering Sophia and to verify what happens in the classrooms and out, once registered to its various programs.  Available also on the Web, are tools such as: the last news, a new video clip.

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Benedict XVI: A History making Act

Benedict XVI: A History making Act

Comment by Piero Coda at the Announcement of His Resignation


With the unexpected resignation of the ministry as Bishop of Rome and Successor to the Apostle Peter, Pope Ratzinger puts an extraordinary seal to his pontificate, once again giving us the gift of his simplicity and the radicalness of the Gospel.


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A Trip to Eastern Europe

A Trip to Eastern Europe

The EoC and the IUS as partners seeking to erase poverty


Prospects for development, challenges and opportunities for the EoC in Eastern countries while confronting the limits of the economic system, and social consolidation, in the framework of increasing integration into the European Continent.

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My Encounter with Mahatma Ghandi

My Encounter with Mahatma Ghandi

Research on Foundations and Perspectives of the Culture of Unity


Mathias Toppo, a young priest from oriental India, teaches philosophy at St. Albert’s College at Ranchi.  On September 2012 he was chosen for the Doctoral degree at the IUS in Foundations and Perspectives for a Culture of Unity with direction in philosophy.  In his research he could not avoid meeting with Mahatma Gandhi.

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